League Rules

1. Sportsmanship: Handle all violations respectfully. Redo the play if disagreements persist.

2. Equipment: Game balls provided, but personal balls are welcome.

3. Matches: (Coed4s/6s) - At least 1 female on court at all times. 3 Games to 21 rally scoring. Cap 21. Side witch per game and rock paper scissor for 3rd game preference. (QOB/KOB) One game, with each partner, to 21 cap 21. Side switch every 7 points.

4. Time: Each game approx. 15-20 minutes. Rest periods between games limited to 2-4 minutes.

5. Court Rotation: (4s/6s) One switch allowed per game per team when the first team reaches 11 points.

6. Forfeits: 3 losses for no-show, 0 points, and potential additional forfeit.

7. Lets and Serves: Lets are live. Serves are not considered hard-driven.

8. Hitting Rules: Blocks don't count as a hit for 4-on-4, they do for 2-on-2. Jousts count as 3 contacts for 2-on-2. Players can't attack/block the serve above the net.

9. Faults and Hand-Setting: Captains call their team's faults. Teams can agree on hand-setting standard before the match. In 4's, teams are able to set the serve.

10. Weather and Cancellations: Assumed play unless notified. Cancels typically after 4pm. Rain-outs rescheduled.

11. Forfeits and Subs: No refunds for forfeits. Subs are able check in during that players turn to serve and must stay a full rotation before subbing back out. 

12. Alcohol: drinking alcohol is prohibited on all public beaches, including state beaches. This applies to the sand, sidewalks, parks, playgrounds, and public off-street parking lots surrounding the beach.

13. Contact: Email us with comments or suggestions. infor@laquiji.com

14. Stay Informed: Players responsible for knowing and abiding by all rules

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